Sara Alonso, 1981, Spain / Exploring the transitory nature of the temporal.
"The Peep Show of Hearts"
In my work “The Peep Show of Hearts”, I question the lack of privacy in human interaction nowadays by studying and understanding social media and new technologies. With a futuristic tale, humans are obsessed with the life of the others, forgetting about themselves. Men become voyeurs and women, after having nothing else to exhibit, open for the public eye the most precious and human thing: their hearts. As an act of rejection to what’s not human, I empower the body and physical material giving value to the process of craft. Her work is primitive, using paper and stone lithography; printmaking to speak about social networks.

This artist book consists of fourteen lithographs and two intaglios printed at the JD Kelly Building, Glasgow School of Art during the summer of 2015.
Closed 60x41cm
Open 120x41cm

You can download the full version in the link attached to this post.This digital version is available for anyone to read and enjoy but its copying, modifying or selling is strictly prohibited. I am looking for a publisher, so ... if you happen to know any publisher of independent Artist Books, please let me know.

Download it here! :)
And be patient! It's a High Resolution file, so it will take its time...

©Sara Alonso 2021