Landscapes of Ennui
“Landscapes of Ennui” explores the privilege of boredom in a society of inequality and the constant demands for action. Pascal in “Pensées” uses the term “ennui” in a modern way, picturing the man that is convinced that only his actions will create his path, and, as response to such a struggle, takes no action at all.

Photoetching, hand drawing and collage on Somerset fine art paper. Printed at Glasgow Print Studio, 2017
Making my own
interpretation of the term, in“Landscapes of Ennui” I take close portraits of my body, placing
myself in this state of comfort, within the
insignificance of monotony.

Photoetching, hand drawing and collage on Somerset fine art paper. Printed at Glasgow Print Studio, 2017.

A woman finds herself alone in her house, and an intolerable anguish seizes her, body and soul; her ennui almost turns into fear.
(Andrè Gidé , “... A wall of rain separated me from the rest of the world, far from any passion, far from life.”)

Photoetching, hand drawing and collage on Somerset fine art paper. Printed at Glasgow Print Studio, 2017.

Trapped in a methaphisical disorder of time and space,
her sighs get encapsulated
in glass terrariums.

Photoetching, linocut, monoprint and collage on Somerset fine art paper. Printed at Glasgow Print Studio, 2017.

Incapable of moving, turns herself into a landscape of
gold, flesh and loneliness.
gold, flesh and loneliness.

Photoetching, linocut, monoprint and collage on Somerset fine art paper. Printed at Glasgow Print Studio, 2017.